
Social Groups

Kasey and Emily facilitate small group targeted intervention to improve social communication skills for pre-Kindergarten through elementary-aged children. Instruction is provided through use of social stories, role playing, play based activities, and modeling.

Pre-Kindergarten-First Grade Group

Saturdays from 8:45-9:45am

Second Grade- Six Grade Group

Saturdays from 10-11:30am

Social Groups have year-round rolling registration

  • January 25th

  • February 8th

  • February 22nd

  • March 8th

  • March 22nd

  • April 5th

Individual Services

Individual services are provided in home or through a virtual platform to meet your child’s individual needs. The Social Learners provides formal speech and language evaluations and works with the family to develop a treatment plan to progress speech, receptive, expressive, and social-communication skills.

Parent Coaching

Kasey and Emily offer parent coaching sessions in your home or through a virtual platform to teach parents strategies to facilitate their child’s social communication and interaction skills in their day to day environment. Parent coaching sessions are scheduled weekly or bi-monthly.